Sunday, September 13, 2009

my summer poppies

Here is a picture of my summer poppies card that I did for Crafters 4 Charity. Now it's time to decide what project to next for the charity stall. :) Thanks for looking.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

my first charity stitch

Here is a picture of my first charity stitch for crafters 4 charty (the group that I'm stitching for). It's a rose bookmark. Bare with me as I just started doing charty stitching. I'll try to keep this blog as up to date as possible. Thanks for looking.

This is my blog for all of my charity stitching!!!!!

Hi everyone. Here is a blog that I'm going to do for all of my charity stitching that I'm going to do. I'll try to update this blog as much as possible. The charity stitching that I'm doing is for a group called crafters 4 charity. If you want more information about this charity you can go to this site and take a look. Here is the link for it.